I’ve noticed over the past few weeks i’m not getting as many miles per charge. Looking at the consumption meter I can see that running the heater is the reason. One might think the headlights since they are used a lot more but no. The heater consumes more power than the stereo and lights and windshield wipers.
One thing to understand on this topic, I don’t like being cold. My daily commute to work has the seat warmer on high and the cabin air at 78 deg. And why not.. I charge the car at home for $3 to $5. I will try and pay better attention to the mileage indicator but I speculate i’m loosing about 10 or 15% of my range to running the heater. On a few really cold days’ i’ve even pre-heated the car. I’m not the hardened cowboy I was in my younger years.
We’ve had some chilly days and it’s only December. I’m not looking forward to February.
2023-Jan 30: What i’ve observed on the power meter is that the heater cycles off/on. I suspect the duty cycle depends on what the set point is vs ambient air in the car. When it’s on, it’s drawing just at 2 KWh. Similar to a hair drier or coffee pot at home, those are 1500 watt devices.
A quick charge for the return trip home…