Jan 2023 – I added a 10m moxon pointing to APAC. It is the MFJ-1890. In this photo, #1 is the Par Electronics 2m Moxon, #2 is the Par Electronics 6m Stressed Moxon and #3 is the MFJ-1890 10m Moxon. I can’t really move the 10m without taking it apart but the others are easily movable. With the DXE-HEXX-5TAP-2, at the other end of the attic, pointing to Europe, I put this one here pointing to APAC.

Feb 2022 – I took down each inverted V dipole (double bazookas) and replaced them with a DXE-HEXX-5TAPP2 beam. No, unfortunately the only way I can rotate it is to disassemble and reassemble. My goal is to be ready with a slightly more directional toward EMEA during the new solar cycle startup and work on DXCC for 15, 12 and 10M.
It is a DX Engineering DXE-HEXX-5TAP-2 (20/17/15/12/10M) shoehorned in the attic. Even though it’s mounted too close to the ground it seems to be more directional – but it’s impossible to determine since I had to take down the antennas it replaced.
I completed the assembly and got on the air as the solar flux was dramatically increasing. One could argue that a wet toothpick would do better with todays SFI of 157 vs four or five months ago when it was in the 60’s. This antenna has already added several new confirmed DXCC contacts with WSJT-X on the Raspberry Pi connected to the ICOM-7610.
In Sept 2022 I temporarily placed my Par Electronics 2m and 6m Moxon in the attic for the Sept ARRL VHF Contest, just as a trial. Of course rotating them is a pain.. But I figure while they are not attached to the car..

In Aug 2022 I took down the 6M EAntennas Rectangular Quad 50DDO-R2.
Rotate by going up the ladder and turning by hand when the car isn’t parked under the ladder…

2m Vertical for local..