I’ve been trying to move from digital to CW but initially learning CW has taken me a lot of time and usually that time is interrupted for months per disruption. To help fulfil this goal I am walking away from many previous volunteer positions. This year I may even step away from Field Day (2022)! The great news is that in 2022 I started working for a new employer and my life has finally slowed down.

Oct 2021 I resigned as President of EARS (EARS) www.k5eok.org (since 2018, vp for some years before) and resign as the class coordinator (9 years), and resign from the HOA as President because of the situation at work requiring all of my time. By resigning I was able to have time to resume studying and start looking for a better employer. I was unable to participate in any HF contest in 2021. I did operate at Field Day but that’s about it for the entire year.

In 2020 plans to focus on CW were interrupted due to employment changes. I also had to learn the Raspberry PI quickly when my Windows 10 USB Audio CODECs quit working with WSJT-X. The excuses are endless but warranted.

The great thing however is in this time period of the past few years a few things have become available that completely change how one can learn CW. See https://morsecode.ninja/

My 2022 goal is to try and be operating Field Day in CW mode! Now, distractions go away!