Regarding my Amateur Radio hobby, I operate in Amateur Radio contests every chance I can – It’s fun to design and build antennas, impedance transformers, etc and then make contact with someone half way around the globe.  The excitement escalates after scaling a tree and hanging a wire, push up a support pole and then establishing contacts using 100 watts of RF power on voice or 15 watts in digital modes.  Imagine if you will, to do this and call for anyone anywhere on the radio and a person in New Zealand, Australia, Japan or Indonesia replies!  It’s very challenging when the solar cycle is minimal and not helping to excite the atmosphere to reflect radio signals.

As an enthusiast of Amateur Radio and electronics experimentation I also coordinate the entry level license classes in Edmond and occasionally actually teach a class.  I hope one day to be the person that inspires a future politician or astronaut to get their license! I’m also tinkering with Arduino, using these to help with my radio hobby.  Arduino is really cool and can be used in an endless number of projects!

For our Edmond Amateur Radio club I also setup a MailChimp account that I use to notify our membership of current club events and I use JotForms for forms of course.

Clublog search of my logbook QSO map of all my contacts